HEKTAR and art
The HEKTAR Office-Art-Gallery offers a meeting place under the motto „capital meets art“ for principals of the company HEKTAR Liegenschaftsverwaltung and artists. The spectrum ranges from wealthy private individuals and family offices, external asset management companies to institutional investors of national or international origin. The artists who may exhibit are famous or unknown.
But one thing they have together: They create paintings which are simply nice!
Those „treasures“ offers the HEKTAR Office-Art-Gallery in the name of the artist for sale.
In the informal atmosphere on our vernissages sometimes a joint venture project accomplished between our principals. And quite beside one bought a nice painting for the own office. It happens 3 to 4 times per year, that such a top-class event occure, where a new artist with his artworks will be represent.
When you are an artist and you are interested by exhibit your artworks on one of our exclusive exhibitions call us under 06151-662142 or wright us an email to office-art-gallery@HEKTAR-LV.de
Business hours:
Monday to Friday from 12.30 pm to 2.00 pm (Exhibition is totally to inspect.)
Saturday by arrangement

Art exhibition „near and far“
from Mai 20th untill August 16th 2019
Artworks from Wilfried H. Meyer
„With all my paintings it doesn’t realy depend on the specific shown location, but rather the time of year, the time of day and most of all an extraordinary light- and weathersituation. In my view, watercolour painting is the best technic for all of this, because you can bring a white sheet of paper to glow. The pastell technic I prefer, when it is put on saturated colours. I treasure the simple usage of watercolour painting – water as a solvent and quick drying too. So it suits my working style a lot.“
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